Reusable Tote Bags- Be Fashionable and Help the Environment with Reusable Tote Bags

Plastic bags litter the roads, clog storm drains and have quickly become an annoyance for many places all over the world. Getting rid of this nuisance not only helps the environment but also helps you join a new and rewarding trend. The fast food industry and the supermarket chains have added to the plastic bag craze, but there is something you can do about it. When you use reusable tote bags you help the environment and look fashionable. This is a simple thing each one of us can do to help save our planet and reduce our carbon foot print.

Using any of the various types of reusable bags is one step in the right direction. Reusable tote bags have many uses and come in a variety of materials, while using these will not reduce the plastic used by the food industry, you can use them to help reduce the amount of paper and plastic bags used at the grocery store chains and other stores. By taking the reusable bags with you each time you shop, you can use them in place of the other bags and help reduce the amount of disposable bags in circulation.

Plastic bags contribute to many environmental problems, including being a threat to wildlife, polluting rivers and streams and may also contribute to global warming. The making of paper bags requires the cutting down of many trees. Using the reusable bags helps eliminate all these problems. Reusable and recycled goods are the best choices when it comes to helping the planet. Reusable bags are often times made of eco-friendly materials, which adds to their appeal. The reusable tote bags are a simple and fun way to help out. These bags come in many colors, sizes and patterns, so they are also fashionable and fun to use.

You can select the style, color, design or logo of your choice. Even celebrities are using the trendy reusable tote bags when they shop. The trend is taking off and with the vast selection of totes, you can choose the ones that match your unique style and fashion sense. The totes are available in cotton, canvas, jute and come you can buy bags with logos or patterns. Choose the bag that is right for your needs and one that you like in terms style and color. It does not matter what kind of reusable bag you choose as long as you use it.

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Awesome Info Graphic: 9/11, TEN Years After

++ Click to Enlarge Image ++
Post September 11 World
Source:Custom Reusable Bags

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The Politics of Plastic and Reusable Bags

Regardless of your thoughts on the issue, you got to love the chutzpah behind an organization called the Save the Plastic Bag Coalition, especially since it is active in that most environmentally correct of West Coast locations, Marin County California. And you’ll only be further impressed with their principal argument in opposition to a county-wide ban on plastic shopping bags: the administration failed to complete an Environmental Impact Study! Would investing taxpayer dollars in a study on the environmental impact of less plastic bags be a wise use of funds? Probably not, but you have to admire the Mad Hatter logic behind the suggestion.

Let’s review. The County Board of Supervisors is at fault for failing to PROVE that the net effect of a plastic ban is environmentally positive. The debate centers on dubious assumptions that five cents a bag isn’t sufficient incentive for shoppers to acquire reusable bags, that the cost of energy to manufacture all those bags outstrips (somehow) the value of getting those bags out of rivers and off of birds, and that the law requires thorough investigation of the total environmental impact of a decision of such magnitude.

This issue has been active in Marin County since 2007. Many of the cities in the county are forming a coalition to act in concert for their own jurisdictions. It seems that the appeal by the Save the Plastic Bag Coalition for a full and complete review has been met by an overwhelming tide of common sense. The lobbyists for the plastics industry have been successful in threatening suits with other cities and counties; it’s nice to see one that chose to ignore the posturing and opt for the environmentally sensible decision.

The Marin Board of Supervisors chose not to go down the rabbit hole, voting 4-0 to pass the ban and charge a nickel for each paper bag a market has to dispense for customers who forget to bring reusable bags. When the Save the Plastics spokesperson threatened a lawsuit, one supervisor observed that defending a suit on an action that jurisdictions all over the country are taking would cost ten or twelve thousand dollars, where an EIR cost would be in six figures. On the whole, not a good day for the Save the Plastic Bag Coalition. Sounds like a historical preservation society, doesn’t it? You could look on thousands of tons of plastic litter as a tradition, but not one that deserves cultural support.

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Tips on Getting Reusable Bags on a Budget

The debate over plastic bags in California is continuing to heat up. Meanwhile, some people are crying foul about the five cent proposed tax that may be levied on paper bag usage. Citing that the poor and financially challenged populations will be at an unfair disadvantage, many are forgetting just how budget-friendly obtaining reusable shopping bags bags can actually be.

No matter what your budget, there are ways to spend little to no money building a nice collection of reusable bags that can be used each week for shopping. Here are several ways you can get reusable bags on a budget:

• Watch for free ones being given away at community events. Although they may have a company logo or message on them, they are free reusable bags and will work great.
• Keep an eye open for store promotions, as grocery stores sometimes give away free ones, especially near the holidays.
• Affordable reusable bags of all types can be found at thrift stores and garage sales. At the right thrift store or garage sale, one could build a whole reusable bag collection for under $5.
• Let people know that you would like to have a reusable bag collection and, if they have any they want to give away, you will take them. Knowing that you need some bags, they can look for some free ones through promotional giveaways. Also, consider sending out a notice on your local Freecycle list that you need some reusable bags. Most likely, within hours, you will have several people offer you some extras they can spare.

Once you have the bags, regardless of how much you paid for them, take the bag credit that many stores offer for using them (which is often a nickel per bag used). Before you know it, those reusable bags will have been paid for through using them and getting the bag credits!
5 Places that Have, or Are Trying to, Ban Plastic Bags

As people increasingly learn about the dangers that plastic bags pose to our environment, there is a push worldwide for doing something to dissuade people from using them. While it may seem like it just makes sense for everyone to start using reusable bags, there is some opposition to having a ban on plastic bags, for a variety of reasons.

In an effort to get people to use plastic bags less, some places, such as Taiwan, Belgium and Ireland, have imposed taxes on them. This effort has been quite successful in getting people to turn to reusable bags for their shopping. But still other places are either currently considering a plastic ban or have already put one in place, including:

1. United States. With San Francisco leading the way with implementing a plastic bag ban, other cities are currently trying to follow. California is pushing for a ban, as are Austin, Texas, and New York.
2. Rwanda. In September 2008, a law took effect in the country, banning the plastic bags that were so commonly used, yet were creating an environmental disaster.
3. South Australia. There are a number of cities in South Australia that have banned the plastic bag, including Sydney’s Oyster Bay and Tasmania.
4. Canada. While the Ontario government is working to cut plastic bag usage in half, there are other cities that have already banned the bags, including Northern Manitoba and Leaf Rapids.
5. India. Because the plastic bags can easily clog drainage pipes, India has been taking serious measures to do away with them. Some cities such as Mumbai, Delhi and Rajasthan, already have bans in place.

The list of places that are considering taxing plastic bags or banning them altogether lengthens each year. Currently there are cities and countries worldwide that are considering what to do with about the environmental concerns raised by plastic bag usage.
Creating Plastic Free Lunches This School Year

As the new school year gets underway, many people will be making lunches for their children, on a daily basis. Along with all this lunch making comes the question of what the best way to pack it up is. While many people reach for a box of plastic bags, it may not be the best option out there, especially for the family that is trying to reduce their plastic bag usage.

You can still get your lunches made just right and do it in an environmentally friendly way. The first thing you will need to do is make sure you arm your pantry with the right tools to get through the year. Here are a few items that can help you pack a plastic bag-free lunch for your student:
• Get reusable containers. You can invest in a nice stainless steel container set for drinks and hot and cold dishes. There are also many reusable snack containers that can be reused all year long.
• Opt for natural wax paper to wrap your sandwiches in, if you don’t want to use reusable containers. Most health food stores offer natural wax paper, which is biodegradable and can be put into the recycling bin after each use.
• Skip purchasing single serve items, like applesauce and other fruit cups, opting instead for larger jars. This will help you avoid using plastic, as you put single servings in reusable containers each day.
• Send real utensils in lunches, rather than plastic disposables. If you don’t trust sending your good silverware, pick up a couple of forks and spoons at the store or thrift store that can be used just to be packed in lunches.
As people learn more about the unhealthy effects that plastics have on our health and environment, people are searching for ways to reduce their use of it. Since you may be making school lunches for 185 days or more this school year, you can save a lot of plastic by opting for more environmentally friendly options.

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Tips for Keeping Your Reusable Bags Clean

As the debate around the country heats up regarding plastic vs. reusable bags, some sources are trying to cast doubt on the reusable bag industry by saying that reused bags can carry bacteria. However, experts are quick to point out that we can easily avoid that health threat, simply by keeping our reusable bags clean.

Obviously, if you are shopping for items like meat or produce, you will want to take some extra precautionary measures to help keep the bags clean. If you have selected an item that is dripping or exposed, you can either use the small plastic bags provided in the meat and produce department or choose one that is not dripping.

Having bags dedicated and labeled only for use with things like meat, produce and other items will also help avoid cross-contamination.

Reusable bags will get soiled, just like anything else we use. Our kitchens are filled with hand towels, dish towels and other items that we use on a regular basis. These items end up with the same germs that reusable bags can acquire. Yet we don’t stop using them; instead, we simply take measures to keep them clean by washing them regularly.

The same thing goes for our reusable bags. You should plan to wash them regularly, especially after you have used them for meat or produce items. Properly washing your reusable bags will help eliminate any germs that might lead to food poisoning. Also, between uses, pay attention to where and how you store your reusable bags. You wouldn’t throw your clean dish towels in a pile on the floor, so you should avoid doing that with your bags.

An easy way to store them is to put all the reusable bags you have inside one outer bag, so they are all together, and then put them in a cupboard or closet until you head out to the store. (And remember that washing your bags in cold water is more environmentally friendly.)

Reusable bags may collect germs, but we need to keep in mind that the plastic ones do, as well. And we would be hard pressed to find people who wash those out before reusing them for their lunch, gym clothes, or other items.

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